Documentation of the zipmend api
Documentation of the zipmend api
curl -i -X POST \ -u <username>:<password> \ \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "items": [ { "name": "Tannenbaum", "quantity": 22, "length": 120, "width": 100, "height": 80, "weight": 320 } ], "vehicle_type": 13, "additional_information": "Attention highly flammable goods", "loadings": [ { "company_name": "Acme Corporation", "first_name": "John", "last_name": "Smith", "address_line_1": "Karl-Marx-Strasse 1", "address_line_2": "Tor 2", "country": "DE", "zip": "28779", "city": "Bremen", "phone": "+49123456789", "reference_number": "123456789", "dates": [ { "start": "2024-07-20T07:00:00+01:00", "end": "2024-07-20T10:00:00+01:00" } ] } ], "unloadings": [ { "company_name": "zipmend GmbH", "first_name": "Max", "last_name": "Mustermann", "address_line_1": "Steintorweg 4", "address_line_2": "Tor 2", "country": "DE", "zip": "12247", "city": "Berlin", "phone": "+49123456789", "reference_number": "123456789", "dates": [ { "start": "2024-07-20T13:50:00+01:00", "end": "2024-07-20T16:50:00+01:00" } ] } ] }'
{ "eventId": "dad4bce8-f5cb-4078-a211-995864315e39", "name": "Mermaid Treasure Identification and Analysis", "location": "Under the seaaa 🦀 🎶 🌊.", "eventDescription": "Join us as we review and classify a rare collection of 20 thingamabobs, gadgets, gizmos, whoosits, and whatsits, kindly donated by Ariel.", "dates": [ "2023-09-05", "2023-09-08" ], "price": 30 }